Among the following planets, which one takes maximum time for one revolution around the Sun? (a) Earth (b) Jupiter (c) Mars (d) Venus
2 23139Post New Jupiter General Knowledge_Current Affairs Interview Questions
what happen if generator of micro hydro running at only a small percentage of its capacity, as a comparison, if the diesel generator that runs on only a fraction of its capacity there will be a wet stacking
What is the difference between EHP 4.0 and ECC 6.0 .Is there any different settings to be done in the system for functional modules?I have done ECC 6.0 version. Please tell me the answer of the question as soon as possible?
What is seo and its benefits?
How onclick works in javascript?
What is traceur compiler? Why in angular 2?
for -50 dec which grade steel can be used for ducting work?
Types of cursors in RDO.
Define what is a critical bug.
How can level transmitter in closed tank application be used
Explain me what is the difference between a class and an object, and how do these terms relate to each other?
Explain consortium blockchains?
Mention what does model-view-controller represent in an mvc application?
what is your strengths and weaknesses
What is db facade?
How do I assign a variable in mysql?