Explain about a shortened fiscal year?
What are the transformations in spark?
Why is ms word important?
How to overload constructors or methods in python?
can all users have the privilage to use the sql statement select * (dml)?
What is meant by the 5’ and 3’ extremities of nucleic acids?
What are the responsibilities of a technical consultant in an implementation project?
What Is A Cloud?
What are respectively some remarkable functions of cd4?
What is the event handler technique in object-oriented abap?
How AngularJS will automatically be initialized?
can one have multiple packing for delivery? answer is yes , but where we maintain this? wt is the process?
Can there be no faces-config.xml for jsf application?
What does it mean to take the address of a reference?
How large is it preferred to configure the data volumes of a sap maxdb database?