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Hella Interview Questions
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What is the difference between Hard and Soft real-time systems ?

11 68393

Explain the types of Views in Listview Control?


how many types of storage classes in c and embedded c

3 8278

what is sum of 1 and 2?

1 6154

Electronic technical analysis


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How generating electric power export to grid from the generating station ?


How do I highlight a cell in excel based on formulas?


Difference between base unit of measure, production unit, order unit


The application of the should retrieve data from your user’s mobile every five minutes and also the data keep in dynamodb, later on, a daily basis at a specific time the data is extracted into s3 on a per-user basis then your application is later wont to visualize the data to the user. The user is asked to optimize the design of the backend system to lower price, what would you recommend?


Suppose we have a source qualifier transformation that populates two target tables. How do you ensure tgt2 is loaded after tgt1?


What is the final keyword in java?


What does postgresql stand for?


How to create custom key and custom value in MapReduce Job?


CANNOT USE PARAMETER FILE! Hi all, I am trying to use parameter file for my workflow. This could help me to filter records where CITY = 'Portland' Following is what I have done: **in Designer - create new parameter : $$PARA_FIL, Parameter, String, IsExprVar=TRUE, Initial value = [empty] - Source Qualifier/ Properties/Source Filter: CUSTOMERS.CITY='$$PARA_FIL' **Create Parameter file: C:\Informatica\PowerCenter8.6.0 \server\infa_shared\BWParam\DynamicParamTest.txt $$PARA_FIL='Portland' **Configure workflow to use the parameter file: Edit Workflow/Properties/Parameter Filename: C:\Informatica\PowerCenter8.6.0 \server\infa_shared\BWParam\DynamicParamTest.txt I also configured directory of parameter file for session task. However, I just got this in the session log: [SQ_CUSTOMERS] SQL Query [SELECT CUSTOMERS.CUSTOMER_ID FROM CUSTOMERS WHERE CUSTOMERS.CITY='$$PARA_FIL'] No record has been loaded to target. It seems that the parameter file has not been read. I cannot understand the reason why. Could any of you kindly suggest me anything? Thanks


What is the situation of fishers, fish farmers and the fishing fleet?


Explain the difference between mq version 6 and 7?


What is recursive join in sql?


What is virtual desktop?


Explain how viewstate is being formed?


Please do tell me about the questions which are asked at BACS FINAL ROUND.