We select 10mm nominal thickness for Elip head of a pressure vesel. The minimum thickness after forming is 8.2mm. (Shell thickness is 8mm. The minimum thickness after forming is satisfied or not with UG-79 (d)(3) in ASME SECTION VIII, Div.1?
2276Post New PetroVietnam Interview Questions
Can a constructor be final?
How to generate query output in html format?
How to add code to the existing article (using improve article)?
What are autoboxing and unboxing? When does it occur?
What is stack channel?
describe a typical multiple-level priority-base scheduling and give FIVE examples of factors that can be implemented on the different levels
What is a cup of java?
With the help of two examples name the map and reduce function purpose
What is final class and final method in php?
What is electronic clearing of cheques?
What is design pattern in laravel?
How can we recording vuser scripts using vugen?
What is the disadvantage of ajax?
Explain the uses of jsp?
Explain we take the area of collector wide comparison to base and emitter. Why?