All question of call centre which will ask in interview, please send me on my email id as soon as possible
1 5411what is the difference between direct income and indirect income. pleases explain with example.
18 200597What will happen if the field of synchronous generator is removed when it is in operation with no load?
3 5383Post New HJ Interview Questions
What work are you expecting?
When would you use an insert into .. Select option versus an insert into .. Values option? Give an example of each?
Explain me what do you think is bank reconciliation statement?
How to get a total number of elements used in the array?
What are the Formula of computing Back up Time of 500kVA UPS with 4 Battery Banks, each bank composed of 43 pcs of Batteries 12V150Ah. How to compute the Back up Time of UPS? We have also 3X500kVA UPS running in Parallel same composition as I write above.
What is PageRank in Spark?
What are the types of files you can load data from?
What do you mean by database normalization and why is it important?
What do you mean by drivers?
What is the difference between debugging and testing?
Where is the setup.exe to install the PeopleSoft components to the Web Server?
for an mba (marketing) is it good to start carrer with education industry.if the profile is of assistant manager with good payback ??
How do you Explicit File output?
we are having yokogawa centum cs3000 dcs in our power plant. i need some of the operator guides NOT to appear in HIS0163 AND HIS 0162 but it shoul appear in HIS0164 HOW TO DO IT?
What is erp and how it is related to sap?