Suppose there are two requests for 2 different pages of same site and from 2 different browsers, How Web server recognise the different request and send result to the exact sender browsers.
1457Post New CA Interview Questions
How do I force delete a folder in windows?
What is the use of default key?
What happens if we give the supply to the rotor of induction motor and make its terminal shorted?
What do you know about this Bank?
Is active record an orm?
what is your strength and weakness?
Difference between clerk and PO?
What restrictions are placed on method overriding in java programming?
How do you auto adjust rows in excel?
Explain difficulties in nlu?
How do I enable activex?
What is the base class of all classes?
Explain the difference between demand-paging and pre-paging?
Does table partitioning improve performance?
What is the idd in idms?