At the technical test there were planty of question for the connection WLAN,ethernet and where should you put the cable into a ruter for having a connection.
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What is the purpose of using javap?
Is arch linux better than ubuntu?
How would you create higher order components (hocs) in react.js?
Explain about mappartitions() and mappartitionswithindex()
How do you approach working with incomplete or ambiguous requirements?
what is difference between sql plus and sql*plus? (not sql and sql plus).
how to dispaly ascendimg in pick list
What does whatwg stand for in the world of html5?
Can you write a function similar to printf()?
What is the use of flatmap in java 8?
What is the role of activation function?
What are exports and imports?
Where to find ntwdblib.dll version 2000.80.194.0?
what is varible
Give me any three differences between Truncate and Delete.