Post New Allied Digital Call Centre AllOther Interview Questions
When will ngoninit be called?
Explain applications of Natural language processing?
Is it possible to cast an int value into a byte variable? What would happen if the value of int is larger than byte?
What is the command syntax that tells you whether you are on the master server or not? And how many master does mongodb allow?
What is the main purpose of overloading operators?
Mention what is flask-wtf and what are their features?
When should we use pointers in a c program?
Why are global variables used?
What does orm stand for?
How does Actinium contribute to our understanding of nuclear structure and properties, and what experiments or studies have been conducted to explore this aspect?
What do you understand by tomcat-users.xml configuration file?
How can you find all the processes on your system?
What is the difference between Accruals and Provisions?
How to create entity class in hibernate?
What is meant by a context menu in a cad software?