Use a search engine on "application service provider (ASP)"or other related terms to find what service(s) an ASP provide to its clients who are looking to acquire IT applications.make a note of the name of the ASP and there website address,List a mininmum of six service that are provided by an ASP.
1 3810Post New BT Estimation Analysis Interview Questions
How many types of debit card do the banks provide to their customers in india?
What is farm in sharepoint?
How to measure 4-20 mA in the live Ckt. r when the equipment is working ( example VFD, PLC).& 4-20mA used in maximum all ckts.
Where is binary tree used?
How to rebuild the master database?
Define query items?
What is hgroup?
Can you explain how you can use Apache Spark along with Hadoop?
14.What is function point breakdown?
What are the types of sql server?
In ACS 1000 drive we are using 12 pulse converter,why don't use 3 pulse converter.
How to specify transaction or query timeout?
Can u help me how to See in SAP Form 16 details. T CODE is PC00_M40_f16. my question is How to get computation details through above T COde.When i open through above T Code shows in One Line i.e Gross Salary.I want to see Gross salary detils. is their any other Tcode to see- Computation details! Kindly help me ASAP My mail ID sherya
why germanium is most suitable for DWDM systems?
The disruption of the three-dimensional shape of a protein by factors such as heat, acids, bases, and organic solvents, is called what?