Why do you think customer service is most important? ( elaborate your thoughts logically with critical analysis for the assessment)
What is db2 bind?
What is code signing in iOS operating system?
How can you compare objects in php?
Which transaction should not be given to BASIS and DEV team in Production?
What is the short cut to open the “Code Snippet Library” in Xcode?
what is the differnce between programing langauge and tool? is sas is a programing langauge r tool?
sell a product to me
What is load utility in db2?
What is a user guide?
Can CPF share given by govt. added in the Financial gross salary while calculating Total gross salary at the end of Financial year.For eg: My gross salary is Rs.X during a Fin. year & govt share of CPF is Y then Total Fin. Year gross salary is =X+Y,is it correct?
how many types are their in switchyard or substation(like D,I TYPE), what is differant between them
what is function of stdio.h
How will you rename and delete a file in Ruby?
How do I compare excel spreadsheets?