In FA module..Once we added assets...we dont want depreciation few of assets.but other assets we will run dep monthly.So how we can stop dep for few assets.
2 6083Post New 4i Apps Interview Questions
What are differences between Voltage, EMF & Potential difference ?
explain the mode of metal iranafer in Co,welding
What are the causes that the price of the share goes up and down in daily transaction?
Explain basic weaves with the help of illustration?
What is database clone?
Can potato chips causes wreck teeth?
What is the reason to implement corba in client application application?
what is the proccesor to caculate the firm assement
What is the synonym of framework?
What is the difference between sga and pga?
What is the difference between austenite stabilisers and ferrite stabilisers ?
What are the differences between path and classpath variables?
Why does reading require write privileges on database file?
can SSRS reports Cache results?
what is self-join? : Sql dba