Explain Features of WordPress?
If I want to lift the water at a height 50m from ground level through two inch(diameter) metal pipe then what is the capacity of motor pump is required? is it possible in single phase supply or not?
In an html form I have a button which makes us to open another page in 15 seconds. How will do you that?
What can be the side effects of magnesium sulphate therapy, when given to patient?
How is radiation emitted from the body?
What are the new media-related elements in html5?
which cl command is used to trap error messages during program execution?
What are the steps need to be taken while testing stored procedures?
Tell about sub- prime lending?
What are the features of good presentation?
Explain about stress analysis in adobe photoshop?
How do you insert a vertical separator in word?
What transaction code is used to convert planned orders (po) into requisitions in material requirement planning (mrp)?
What is JavaScript?
Tell about NABARD and its working?