Write a program to display all the prime nos from 1 to 1000000, your code should not take time more than a minute to display all the nos.
What are the different types of remote object creation mode in .net?
what is the definition of sells? How is it differ from marketing?
What is use of count() function in php?
What is Delegate and what is it used for ?
what is the main difference between nse & bse operations
Explain stress corrosion cracking?
How do I compare two columns in excel?
What are the characteristics of Final,Finally and Finalize keywords.
What is the total output power of an complete bts, in dbm and watts?
How can I get out of safe mode?
What is the scope of stateful bean in spring?
What is the application lifetime in wpf?
What is user interface builder class?
What are the dis_advantages of stored procedures, triggers, indexes?