1)application programs interact with operating system through system call.is there any method of interaction between the two? 2) Inconveniences faced by user interacting with a computer systemwithout a operating system? 3) what are the requirements for virtual memory architecture
2 3907Post New KCPL Operating Systems General Concepts Interview Questions
What are the modules available in Oracle HRMS?
what is breathing?
How can retify the errors in the trial balance
Have you use database with apache camel?
Explain datawarehousing?
Why do we need wpf?
Is string a primitive data type in c#?
How many field dependencies we can use in visual force page?
Being a HRM how will you formulate an effective HRP process.
Explain how can you debug hadoop code?
10. Write a program in āCā language that will perform the following operation on double link list. Each node of this list contains the address of previous as well as next node. The previous pointer of first node & next pointer of last node should contain null. 1. Creation of list with as many records as user want 2. Search a node in the list 3. Deletion at last position 4. Display 5. Exit Create separate functions for each operation. The create () will be used to create the list. It should accept no argument & return the address of the starting node. Search() will search a node in the list. It receives rollno as argument & return that node if found otherwise return null. The delete () function will delete the last node. It does not receive any argument & return structure type value at last position. The starting node of the double list must be declared as external pointer variable. Each element of double link list will contain the following information Roll No, Std Name, Course. Use do-while loop & switch case for generating the above menu. The format of the output should is given below: S.No. Roll No. Student Name Course 1 cse01 Anil Singh B.Tech
What are the basic operations of stack?
syllbus for the aptransco for ece
What are the shortcomings of a multimeter?
Suppose if we have variable ' I ' in run method, if I can create one or more thread each thread will occupy a separate copy or same variable will be shared?