Witch type curome oxide in ms matle?
Suppose you are a sales manager in the bank, how will you market the banking products?
You wish to restore the file memo.ben which was backed up in the tarfile mybackup.tar. What command should you type?
By default what pages are there in business objects?
What is difference between Auto design and Generate design ? If we uses both designs in a report what design will be print?
Explain what is infrared technology?
surge tank, hrc fuse, earthing transformer, firm power objective type
What is ioc di?
How do I transfer data from c to d drive?
What is base enum ?
Why do we debug a program?
Explain why does the pulp need to be removed?
why we use matrixing method in stability study and on what basis time points are selected?
How do you enable the debugging option for sap netweaver odata services?
What are the types of comments in c#?