What is the difference between Gini Impurity and Entropy in a Decision Tree?
What is stl language?
Can we use both Electrical & mechanical interlock between tow breakers? if yes how, please explain
Is c# still popular?
What is the difference between color os and android?
Explain in details about the XSL-FO?
How to rename an existing column with the "sp_rename" stored procedure in ms sql server?
what are the advantages of mysql in comparison to oracle? : Sql dba
good morning! can u briefly explain the concept of syllolism and wat it mean?
What is the tarif feature? : hr- payroll
What is BSE and NSE?
What is a program flowchart and explain how does it help in writing a program?
In Hadoop what is InputSplit?
If a calulator having 3 buttons (of any number)in 3 of them one is not working properly due to which answer is wrong always. write a script to find out which button is not working properly ?
How to integrate automated scripts from testdirector to winrunner scripts?