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BirlaSoft Interview Questions
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How to generate XML Report with out using rdf?

6 14642

If there are two files one with 100 records and other with 101 records. we have to find out the one record that is the odd man out . What are the steps to do it

7 12006

Suppose there is a bitmap with some text in it how do you write the script to get the text.

2 8749

why there is a gap of 1 year in your academics (after intermediate)?


How to find Total no of Text Fields in the Page..Anybody please answer me..Thanks in Advance

2 8379

What is the difference between Mandatory and BaseFilter Properies..Anybody please answer me..Thanks in Advance

3 14779

Give me Example for Generic Functions in QTP Framework....Anybody please answer me..Thanks in Advance

3 15457

I have Informatica certification dumps for designer and amdin.If anyone requires, please contact me at

218 181049

Can we execute a stored procedure inside a trigger?

6 22859

if i have a file having record sal=10000,and when use router with two groups having condition sal>5000 in one group,sal>7000 in other group.and if two groups connected to two which target sal=10000 will go?

9 14616

Sum of a series of n numbers is n+8. Find second (or second last) no.


I have a 10 lines of qtp script, while executing i got an error at line 7 but i dont want to stop the execution i want to continue the execution up to last line and display the test result window, wts the syntax we use?

3 16284

My source table look like ID Name Location Salary 1 ran NULL NULL 1 NULL DELHI NULL 1 NULL NULL 1000 I want my output to look like ID Name Location Salary 1 ran Delhi 1000 What should be my approach to design a informatica mapping. Assuming my source is flat file not a Relation table so i cant use SQL.

2 5446

What is diff between connected and unconnected lookup?

5 7283

What is diff joiner and lookup

4 7255

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BirlaSoft Interview Questions

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Where can I download the matlab source code for Mean-shift image segmentation method?


Hi, is it possible for recording shortcut key during record session? The application on which I am working is web based application. This application has several shortcut key associated with menu option. I have succesfully recorded all menu option but unable to record shortcut key.


What is retain count?


In a two node cluster i have typed #hastart command in one node.The cluster is starting in second node also,what is going in background?


Tell me why haven't you worked recently? : insurance sales


Using selenium how can you handle network latency?


What is the physical storage length of timestamp data type?


What is the full form of sp?


Tell us how to create an array of a group of items inside an html form?


The movement to sap simple finance controlled by sap hana?


i have completed from mechanical engg so plz send me some question paper for entrance exam


What is the work of a patent engineer? Does the experience in working as patent engineer helps in finding a job in a refinery?


What is infrastructure in wi-fi?


explain five benefits of using standard terminology in the measurement process?


What is meant by pre and post session shell command?