How to calculate the compressive strength of 28 days of concrete where we have 7 days compressive strength?
2 6917Post New ACF Civil Engineering Interview Questions
Why are short circuit ratings always 16kA,25kA,36kA and 50kA.Who has fixed these?
List hibernate session interface methods?
A type of integration testing in which software elements, hardware elements, or both are combined all at once into a component or an overall system, rather than in stages.
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What is embedded style? How to link?
What is route in mvc what is default route in mvc?
For electrical designers what are the standard should know? i want learn about this standards. how to get information/reference. anybody help in this regards please.
How many times ngoninit is called?
How to remove certain lines from a file in Unix?
Explain how can a stopped job be started again?
Does spark store data?
What is a primary key? And what are it’s different types?
What are the main uses of a spreadsheet?
Is swift similar to python?