Major part of India?s national income is derived from: (a) Sales tax (b) Income tax (c) Agriculture (d) Excise tax
2 9470The IC chips used in computers are made of (A) Chromium (B) Silicon (C) Silica (D) Iron oxide
10 47220The working of rockets is based on the principle of (1) Electricity (2) Kelper’s law (3) Newton’s law (4) Conservation of Momentum
10 39435To correct the stammering problem of a class VIII student. what effective steps should implemented??
1 3082Post New HPTET Interview Questions
what is dynamic insert?
How do you check if a value is a number in javascript?
How substring() method of string class create memory leaks?
Does astronomy help you with other things in life?
How do I connect outlook to my email server?
Why heap memory is called heap?
What are sequence activities in uipath?
How are features created?
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is it acceptable if we declare multiple exceptions in same overridden method.
There's a saying "Do whatever it takes to get the job done". Give me a recent example of what you did that exemplifies this statement.
What is css and its features?
Explain coalesce. What is the equivalent of oracle/db2 coalesce function in sybase?
Why Use VSATs?
Explain how $scope.$Apply() works