1.What are the difference between echo , print , print_r ? else this 3 can we show output to a client in some other way?
16 35573Post New Leeway Hertz Interview Questions
What is the advantage of arrow function in typescript?
How do I sort a hash by the hash value?
Can an ejb send asynchronous notifications to its clients?
MY generator water cooler inlet line height - 11 mtr inlet water line height - 7 mtr water come into the line from overhead tank, O/H tank height - 20 mtr the first tapping in the inlet line is 2" line which down to 4 mtr level plateform., second tapping in inlet water line goes to a pump 6" line installed at 4 mtr level plateform, pump capacity 200m3/hr, head- 30 mtr, hp-40. the outlet of pump of 6" water line connected to a header of 6 mtr long of 6" line, on this header the six tapping are connected, 4 nos. 3" line goes to 11 mtr height water cooler the pressure of the line is 0.15 to 0.25 kg/cm2, 2" and 4" pipe line connected to a cooler at 4 mtrlevel plateform. my question is, at 11 mtr height level the quantity of water and flow is not sufficient for my cooler, the temp. of cooler is rises much more. you are requested to suggest the modification of pipe line/ pump for take more water flow and pressure (desired pressure is 1 kg/cm2)
SAP-HR --- why do we need symbolic account why can we not do the same through Wage type (I said symbolic account is used as as interface between Wage type and G/L account for posting payment to finance but I was not able to answer why can the same not be done through Wage type)
I want to do Certification course in QTP. For this I request you to suggest the best Tutorial in PDF format. Hence, if possible, kinldy mail PDF file to my mail-ID: sushmapokhriyal79@gmail.com
Explain the advantages of asp.net.
Write a function to check whether a particular word is a palindrome or not.
Define the term lead available in the sap crm. ?
Bleaching powder is obtained when cl2 is passes through which inorganic compound?
How many Type of TDS in UP and how much % ..Full details. Thanks & Regards
Where does Splunk default configuration file located?
What is the use of referring access group in agents?
What is oops in ios?
Explain what it means by test harness?