Explain the purpose of an (infocube/cube) and dimensions. How do two components relate to each other? Why is it important to identify an organisation’s key performance indicators before developing a BI solution?
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One man driving his car over dark night on hard concrete stone road in a forest. His bad faith that his car pings with long ore needles of concrete henceforth his all 4 tyres got punctured. How he might have tackled his problem? please guess answers & post
What are the components in joomla?
In the process of creating a new record, how you will check, whether user has entered email or not in the email field of Account object?
As you said you have worked on cubes and ods, which one is better suited for reporting?
how to drop an existing view in mysql? : Sql dba
Tell me what type(amount) of capacitors are used in fan?
How to use "if" statements on multiple conditions?
1. do you like your job 2. How long does it take you to be one 3. How is interacting with the animals 4. What do you like better whales or dolphins 5.do you think your job is important v 6. when did you first realize you wanted to be a marine biologist? 7. how many hours do you generally work in a week 8. what is your greatest memory as a marine biologist 9.in your opinion what is the greatest thing in being a marine biologist 10. do you specialize in any area? if so what 11. what is a typical day in your career 12.do you travel a lot. 13. what school subjects would help you for this career. 14.what kind of species do you work with 15. do you like the people your work with
I used the below code to open QTP through VBscript?But i can unable to Invoke QTP...PLZ help me with the correct code to invoke QTP through VBS with description of the code aswell. Dim qtApp 'As QuickTest.Application 'Declare the Application object variable Dim qtTest 'As QuickTest.Test 'Declare a Test object variable Dim qtResultsOpt 'Declare a Run Results Options object variable Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") 'Create the Application object qtApp.Launch 'Start QuickTest qtApp.Visible = False 'Make the QuickTest application visible qtApp.Open "C:\form", True 'Open the test in read-only mode 'set run settings for the test Set qtTest = qtApp.Test qtTest.Run 'Run the test 'WScript.StdOut.Write "Status is: " & qtTest.LastRunResults.Status 'Check the results of the test run qtTest.Close 'Close the test qtApp.quit 'Close QuickTest Pro Set qtResultsOpt = Nothing 'Release the Run Results Options object Set qtTest = Nothing 'Release the Test object Set qtApp = Nothing 'Release the Application object
What is difference between array and vector in c++?
Why do we use oops?
What is difference between Contract and legel and legel and profession service???? I had face this question in interview
What is target html?
Which server is best for java?