Is TDS applicable to Voice Over IP(VOIP) service to an India VOIP service provider? please provide the related acts and case studies.
1913Post New Access Accounting AllOther Interview Questions
What are the values you respect
Have you applied to any other areas apart from banking?
What are shallow and deep copies?
when an amountis declared as NPA by a bank whether any interest can be debited to that account after the date it is declared as NPA ? What are the guidelines of Reserve Bank of India in this respect ?
What is the use of xsd in xml?
Explain about mappartitions() and mappartitionswithindex()
In parallel operation time both NGR’s close or not close if both close what will happen
Define viscosity?
how do I create a runnable with inheritance? : Java thread
Which command can you use to find the currently running process in unix server?
If you're given a jar with a mix of fair and unfair coins, and you pull one out and flip it 3 times, and get the specific sequence heads tails, what are the chances that you pulled out a fair or an unfair coin?
Differentiate between iterable and iterator.
How do I find duplicates in an excel column?
How does the red eye tool work?
Can I get source code from exe file?