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UPSC Interview Questions
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Marx was belongs to which country

19 22629

Who are the authors of the Indian Constitution as per its Preamble

7 17450

General Knowledge & Current Affairs Questions and Answers - Set 1

55 614885

what is syllabus of appsc group1?

28 76505

What is used to disintegrate bladder stones ? (a) infrared rays (b) ultraviolet rays (c) X-rays (d) Ultrasonics

2 8921

The ?Grand Trunk Road? connects (a) Kolkata and Mumbai (b) Delhi and Chennai (c) Kolkata and Amritsar (d) Tirupati and Ludhiana

12 41540

A group of boys decided to buy a few cassettes whose price was between Rs. 200 and Rs. 250. But at the time of purchase, two of the boys declined to contribute as a result of which the remaining boys had to pay Re. 1 more than they had originally planned. What was the price of the cassettes if the boys contributed equally and in whole number of rupees? (a) Rs. 220 (b) Rs. 210 (c) Rs. 230 (d) Rs. 240

2 7020

The maximum strength of Lok Sabha has been fixed at (1) 530 (2) 545 (3) 525 (4) 520

6 14631

Who founded the Brahmo Samaj? (a) Debendranath Tagore (b) Keshab Chandra Sen (c) Raja Ram Mohan Roy (d) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar

2 7566

During the Mughal period which one of the following traders were the first to come to India? (a) Portuguese (b) Dutch (c) Danish (d) English

3 14785

?Radcliff line? is a boundary line between (a) India and Bangladesh (b) India and Bhutan (c) India and China (d) India and Pakistan

14 22666

The State which has the largest number of seats reserved for the Scheduled Tribes in the Lok Sabha is (a) Bihar (b) Gujarat (c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Madhya Pradesh

6 33423

The sculpture with the three faces of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh known as ?Trimurti? appears in ______ caves (a) Kalva (b) Ellora (c) Elephanta (d) Ajanta

2 11318

When was decimal coinage introduced in India ? (a) 1947 (b) 1950 (c) 1957 (d) 1960

7 20277

Where was the first Municipal Corporation in India set up? (a) Bombay (b) Calcutta (c) Delhi (d) Madras

35 88432

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Explain how can you automatically generate interface for the remotable object in .net with microsoft tools?


Write a program to maintain a singly linked list having the following functions: a) Creation of the list b) Displaying the list. c) Swap all nodes at consecutive even odd positions. E.g.: The nodes at position 1 should be swapped with node 2, node 3 with node 4 and so on.


What are the applications of an inverter?


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How do I remove all borders from a table?


What is meant by a macro in ms- excel?


How do you append to a list in python?


What is css5?


Design an algorithm to recommend movies to users.


What are enumerated types?


Which is the most straight forward approach for planning algorithm?


Hello! How to do this: "Create manifest utility intended for creating update content files. Application should take a set of files as input parameter and generate XML based manifest file as output one." I use C# and 2003. It's urgent! Help please, thanks. Mayana


We have received supplies of the ordered material. payments against the supplies also released. Where ST paid 4% against form C. Meanwhile it has been observed that 25% of material supplied was defective. Please suggest whether the issuance of C form from our side would be stopped till settlement of liabilities.


How do you find out all processes that are currently running?


How to convert a numeric variable to a character variable?