"You r bourn intelligent ",your education is just a waste of time (you have to answer in support of the statement )?
2014dear all, How do i increase UPS (1000VA)backup time ? i have connected 2 12v wold you please 120 aH battery externally. ups charge the lead acid battery only 12.7 volt. backup time only 10.00 minuts and gose off. can any one of you help me?
1 2449Post New ups Interview Questions
what is harmonics? what are the factors it will depend upon
How can recruiter justified that the candidate is expert in Algorithm and datastructure for Software product development ?
What is a scenario model?
Why is open platform good for developers?
Explain archenteron?
Describe the difference between inline and code behind - which is best in?
What is the difference between a file and a directory?
What does the keyranges parameter in define cluster commends do?
How many numbers of sessions can one group in batches?
How do I create a list of tabs in excel?
How can we change the maximum size of the files to be uploaded?
Explain why do we need hadoop?
What are the different context variables available in apex triggers ?
When should you call dealloc method? Is it possible to implement dealloc in arc?
What is the state if the RED LED is glowing on PWSx card What is the state if the YELLOW LED is glowing on PWSx card