What is an oracle and why it is used?
Differentiate between corporate planning and stratigic planning.
How do I count records in sql?
What is the Default admin port?
Mention two types of dislocations.
How to download files from an external server with code in php?
How would you add elements in TreevieW Control.
You create a private database link and upon
connection, fails with: ORA-2085: connects to
Explain how to write a bdc - how do you go about it?
What are the features of react?
Kindly post me previous year interview questions with answer for post of Manager (civil engg.) for NTPC, IOC , GAIL etc. I have interview on july 2013.I will be very grateful to you. Please guide me.
Does scala and java support call-by-name?
Does leasing release the firm from bad investment? Explain.
Explain walk-through?
What is hasnext in java?