Why to use DNS? DIfference between differtial backup and Incremental backup with example ? what is difference between arp and rarp ? What is difference beteen windows 2003 and windows 2008 server? What is diff betwen exchange server 2003 and exchange server 2007? Which protocol work behind active directory?
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Explain fact degradation?
Can we declare a base-class destructor as virtual?
What is evict in hibernate?
Which font is good for powerpoint presentation?
List some of the database support by hibernate?
Can one be shocked holding a wire carrying a very large current with a low voltage source?
Explain about different layouts available in bootstrap?
What are the differences between web intelligence reports and crystal reports? : sap bobi
Can php variables have numbers?
What is function of CUBE ?
How do you increase the capacity of an arraylist?
Create a structure to specify data on students as given below: Roll number, Name, Department, Course, and Year of joining. Assume that there are not more than 450 students in the collage. (a) Write a function to print the names of all students who joined in the last 3 years. (b) Write a function to print the data of a student whose roll numbers are divisible by 4.
GET-2013 exam is going to be held on which day(tentatively).
Do I have windows 64 or 32?
Is a valid int value?