Hi,The question is write a script for the following scenario. scenario:in a job portal i entered QTP 3yrs testing then click search button.then it displays results like Test lead bangalore (here is a checkbox). Test lead hyderabad check box so on... question is if test lead position in bangalore then checkbox shld be enabled automatically..
4 7524How to retrive data from a data table which is in 3rd row,4th column and place it in main script..like retrive name,date from data table..write script for this.
11 25315Post New Thatavarti Technologies Interview Questions
please explain clearly about execution of c program in detail,in which stage are the printf sacnf getting into exeecutable code
Hi all Can u give me the link where we can download full version of qtp my mail id is karthic.venkitapathi@gmail.com
14 year old woman requests the combined oral contraceptive pill for contraception. Please see her and discuss her management?
if i have to draw bending moment diagram of 4 way continous span then how to create it and how to find reaction?
What is reorg?
What do you understand by denial scenario in outbound delivery system?
What are prompted filters? Have you ever used them? Where?
Which are the third-party tools used in sql server and why would you use them?
Is true a keyword in python?
What is the minimum value of tv in msa to calculate r&r?
What is the function of alert manager?
When a contract is set to completed status?
To an astronaut in space what colour does the sky appear?
Describe SOA and the tenets of it?
how to success for interview