WHY you choose to work in a call center? why we should hire you without experience in a call center? why do you want to work in a graveyard ship? How much salary do you want to received? what is a call center for you?
31 289798Post New TELUS Interview Questions
Why can mould vary in colour?
What is the difference between window.onload and ondocumentready?
What is meant by Retrieving Input ?
How to run the anonymous block again?
How to Get a cool menu in your application?
What is your understanding of medical terminology? : insurance health
Do threads share variables?
How to give execute permission for a file in unix?
tell me about your family.
Have you been involved in devops implementation in the cloud? If yes which cloud computing platform?
Tell me what is “deposit in transit”?
Select query optimisation
Explain about a primary key?
What is radial immuno diffusion method?
Which symbol is used for comments in Javascript?