My website has around 100 aspx. Out of this, a certain 20 aspx files should be made available to the users only if they are logged in. How can I achieve this with the web.config file?
1 4978Below is a code extract from an ASP.Net application. The code basically reads data from the “name” field in the “members” table and prints them onto the webpage. Using the assumptions provided, fill in the 4 blanks below so that the code will run correctly. ‘Assumptions: ‘conn_str is a variable that holds the connection string to the database ‘Objects dbcomm and dbread are already declared earlier dbcomm = New OleDbCommand("SELECT name FROM members", conn_str) dbread = dbcomm._______________ _____________________ response.write(_______________) _____________________ dbread.Close()
4 6348Suggest 3 best practices in detail for for Developing High Performance Web and Enterprise Applications
2 4545Post New Techno Solutions ASP.NET Interview Questions
We are preparing another project which involves Waste heat recovery from a 1 MW GE Engine. The Engine in particular gives out flue gas at 487Deg C with a flow rate of 5650 kg/hour and this can be cooled to 180 Deg C. This gives a thermal output of ~ 594 KW that is available for input to VAM via heat exchanger / boiler. Additionally 581 KW will be available from engine jacket water (temperature profile 80/ 80 Deg C and a flow rate of 50m3/hr) Our estimation is that 300 TR of cooling is possible with a suitable VAM machine(s). Please advise what is the most suitable arrangement with maximum TR and min Capital expenditure. plz reply me as early as possible
Self analysis based questions, based on technical skills, soft skills etc.
How many Rod required for 58 feet by 24 feet roof slab which is supported by 5 * 3 = 15 Column. Six Stored building Roof Slab = ? Ton 15 Column = ? Ton Slab Beam = ? Ton
In a wireless network, describe how each layer would be different from a wired network?
Is it possible to use jquery to make ajax request? : jquery mobile
What is bayesian?
How to check for the httpd.conf consistency?
Hi Friends, Im planning to do certifcation in mercury Automation Tool QTP.But I Didnt get any clear details regarding course syllabus, fees, where to approach, and which certification would be useful for the experienced testers? can any one send me the details?
What is a quality management plan (qmp)?
Draw the vector diagram and condition for the following: 1) Dyn1 2) Ynd0 3) YnYn0
explain the personalization tab within a role?
Define the term "field status varient"?
Elucidate on the various contracts in wcf?
Write a program to get second highest number in an array using php?
Explain how do you search data in a data file using random access method?