In table three columns with 1 milion records(here there is no sequence values) i want add one more column with sequence values from the first how it is posible?
4 7476Post New Tech Soft SQL PLSQL Interview Questions
Why do we use "drop"?
how can we save enegry by using VFD for Resiprocating Air compressor which is having more unloading running hours
What is the use getservent(3)?
What is a history of data mining?
What are the differences between incompressible and compressible flows?
What is the Meaning of Sketch in Arduino?
how to calculate the distance relay faulty zone?pls explain?
To make a basic instrumentation amplifier, it takes A One op-amp with a certain feedback arrangement B Two op-amp and seven resistors C Three op-amps and seven capacitors D Three op-amps and seven resistors
How retrive the deleted file frm UAT by doing migration in SAP BO 4.0
What is a material ledger?
what do you mean by java annotations?
Which environments are supported by hp qtp?
What is quicklime and what are the uses?
Explain api create or replace tempview()?
What are aggregate tables? How do you design them using teradata?