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TCS QTP Interview Questions
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When u ll use Record Button in QTP?Is VB script is Mandatory in QTP? What is Meaning of Frame("v1")?

1 3659

By using QTP, How do you test a frame in a web page?

4 14972

Do you have any knowledge about Business Processing Testing in QTP

1 5031

Hi, It is HR question. What are the qualities you like and dislike in your Project Manager?

2 5375

Can we use same virtual objects in many number of tests?

1 4101

1) after inserting the check point how to change the expected value that was captured while inserting the check point

2 4988

How will you report the bug and explain the defect tracking sheet you handled?


can any body clearly explain about keyword driven framework .give me the explanation for files what ever you use in this frame work?


what questions i have to pripare for project manager round interview ? plz give Ans.(Chandana)

5 146860

Give me detailed theritical explanation about keyword driven, hybrid framework, environment variables, hybrid frame work


Define QTP ?

10 21989

1. how can you handle exceptions without using recovery scenario?

5 9368

.how will you load the object during runtime

2 4655

from what stage you will start automation in your project

5 7162

How to load the object repository at run time?

9 22475

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TCS QTP Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is final keyword in php?


How you can deploy a web application using war files?


What is glacial acetic acid?


What is ERP? Diff b/w Income & Expenditure a/c & P/L a/c? What is the fullform & the application of SAP? What is the reasons where Balance sheet will not tally?


How do I add a column to a table in word 2013?


how can u calculate efficiency of one welder in piping work.if we give support staff for his work.


What is off-cycle payroll?


Give an example of how you would use counter-increment and counter-reset in css to create automatic numbering within a webpage.


When querysets are evaluated in django?


Can intent be used to provide data to a contentprovider? Why or why not?


What are the core apis in kafka?


What valves are fitted in a four-stroke diesel engine?


How often DataNode send heartbeat to NameNode in Hadoop?


What are the common errors in microsoft excel?


Explain component life cycle in angular?