Are monkey testing & gorilla testing same? If not, then what is the difference between these two?
29 49627How To Update A Column In A DataGrid Using C#.NET? I am getting InvalidCastException as (Specified cast is not valid) while updating 2nd column in a datagrid? Id,firstname,lastname are the three columns of my datagrid respectively. I wanted to edit the second column(lastname) and update it. I did the following code in DataGrid's updatecommand(),but failed to update ! Int varid=(int)DataGrid1.DataKeys[e.Item.ItemIndex]; TextBox lnm=(TextBox)e.Item.Cells[2].Controls[0]; string str=lnm.Text ; SqlCommand cmd=new SqlCommand("update customer set lastname='" + str + "' where id=" + varid + "",con); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); DataGrid1.EditItemIndex=- 1; DataGrid1.DataBind();
2 15237Post New TCS Interview Questions
Is json a markup language?
What is degree of hardness?
Where is the exe file in windows 10?
Explain the scope provided for variables in scala.
How many methods of bdc are there?
What is difference between webbased application, web enabled application and seb oriented application? Give some exapmles using Microsft languages?
what will be the possible question for an interview in account post as a fresher
what is the difference between an OS(operating system) and Framework?
Any one please give me some real time tickets with solutions
Name the commands used to pause and un-pause(resume) an instance?
How to differentiate between the active and passive transformations?
What is the yield of 100 litres of water and 10 kg of cement in grout mix?
I have got a call of IOCL interview for projects having 2yrs experience. What sort of questions should I expect in the interview?
Why does dna twist?
Type of level transmitter commnly used in Procees area are the following. a.________________This type of level transmitter works as follows