Name some implementations of JAX-RS API?
Tell me can you have constant volatile variables?
What are your key strengths as a System/network Administrator?
Why does not bicycle fall when it running condition? When it fall whiteout stand. Why?
How table control cn be generated using bdc? : abap bdc
What are seeds in laravel?
difference between microcontroller and microprocessor
Intern stastical programmer written test
what are the others of "bad files" and "discard files" when using sql*loader?
Explain what do you understand by registers, briefly explain the various types of registers.
What is the purpose of sap script? Difference between sap script and report?
Writing a subquery using zend db?
Do you know how can third-party jdbc driver be used with jms?
Explain Various methods for staging and assessing resectability in gall bladder cancer?
What are your favourite subjects in your graduation and why?