Suppose u found a bug which a developer could not reproduce and it is reproducing on your pc whenever tried , then in this siyuation what will be the status of the bug, and what u r going to do for that bug.
4 10932Post New Syntel Interview Questions
What is attribute syntax in xaml?
State the difference between delete and delete[].
what type of questions arrive in interview over c programming?
What are entities and how to you create ?
Difference between a class and an object?
I am a programmer interested in ai. I am writing a game that needs ai. Where do I start?
Enlist the advantages of linq?
What is auto bootstrap process in AngularJS?
What is a control toolbox?
What is the difference between do until loop and do while loop?
What is a deprecated tag?
Define dynamometers.
What is the better method of using jdbc in spring?
Does mongodb support primary-key, foreign-key relationship?