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Symbiosis Interview Questions
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How we can check in particular page the session will be alive or not

4 13401

what is your strength

47 98267

Who is the Chairman of India?s National Security Council ? (a) President of India (b) Prime Minister of India (c) Defence Minsiter of India (d) Home Minister of India

11 72630

. The speed of light will be minimum while passing through (a) Glass (b) Vaccum (c) Water (d) Air

11 51460

any example for high siviority and low priority bug

2 9527

Write a C Program to declare an array for 2 0 floats. Accept the values from the user sort the two arrays in descending order. Merge the two arrays into a new array and display the new array.

1 7788

Write a C Program to create a structured data file named Student.dat to store the roll no, name and course. Provide following functions: 1. Accept the values from the user using structure variables. Store the contents in a file. 2. Display the file. 3. The user should be able to add new records to the existing file. And display the new file.

4 41347

I am going to face an interview for lecturer for Management Faculty. Please suggest me the questions & their answers for preparation.

10 109260

who introduced rupee in india?

16 22957

why is it called profit and loss account why not profit or loss account, ( u either get profit or loss )

13 34418

Create a web page that will have separate links to show map of India and World. When user will open a map of India, create links to display the information of each state i.e. highlighted in the map in a separate window/document. (The information should be brief i.e. not more than 3-4 sentences.) When user will open a world map, show the list of countries on clicking the image in a new window.


The 'going concern concept' is the underlying basis for: 1.stating fixed assets at their historical cost 2.disclosing the market value of securities 3.disclosing the sales and other operating information in the income statement 4.none of the above

1 10895

What is your Biggest weekness?

6 13958

Can Any Body Explain Major Bugs Find During Manual Testing

1 4441

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Un-Answered Questions

What are transformations in spark?


Tell me what are the status available in peoplesoft domain status menu?


How to remove a failed package installation?


Discuss a Thread Life Cycle?


which methods can be used to determine if a microphone or a camera is installed on the users machine? : Adobe flash


create a flow diagram up to 2 levels for hospital management


What is referential integrity mechanism ?


A global variable when referred to in another file is declared as this a) local variable b) external variable c) constant d) pointers


How do you organize layers in adobe photoshop?


Can I put windows 10 on an old computer?


What are the essential features of the linux operating system?


What is task list?


Tell me how to verify tooltip text using selenium?


How to install installing mariadb on homestead?


What is a transducer and transponder?