When we can access the static data member without creating the object what is the need of the object in java.
5 7974i got job selection order from decon engg hrd,tamilnadu,india.they are also demanding me 2000 rs. & saying that after 3 day they will give me a joinig letter, there web site is www.deconengg.net & postal address is decon engg(govt. hrd)no-236 coimbatore -641044.I submitted my resume to them and after that they didnt conduct any interview... can i believe this or its just a fake..
69 60904Post New ssinformatics Interview Questions
Explain unisex –effects of women’s changing role.
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What is the use of keep and peek in “tempdata”?
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Explain terminate() and unexpected() function?
How we are going to decide which schema we are going to implement in the data warehouse?