a US company has filed my H1B visa ,, and i got selected in random number process.I wanna ask Could they ask regarding my languages(java,c++) or there will b just general questions?? And wat kind of questions will they ask in embassy interview??
2132Post New Sprint Interview Questions
What is mvc viewdata?
is everyone required flash player plugin? : Adobe flash
What is a client tool? / Why webi is referred as a client tool?
What are the unique features of qlikview?
What are the difference between jcl and jes?
What are account assignment models?
Why do you want to work for us?
How do I make visual studio black?
What does the swapping system do if it identifies the illegal page for swapping?
Which antivirus is best for ubuntu?
fuel-air ratio in a petrol engine fitted with suction carburettor,operating with dirty air filter as compared to clean filter will be
What are the two types of tags?
How do I have links of different colors on the same page?
How you can implement ajax in mvc?
How can data transfer be minimized when working with Apache Spark?