With the help of an example explain how physical address is calculated?
What is the strength of cement?
How to Testing and consuming a .net web service?
Which tag filter returns the next item with the “type1” tag and without a “source1” tag?
What is the use of ngafterviewinit?
why swityard is necessrry requirement in any bis power distributin systems?
How many types of transport schemas are there in wcf?
Can you explain recommendation engine?
When creating a static route, what is the gateway used to define?
How would you bind this customaction to a specific list?
how to remove the all options from a tableau auto-filter?
Explain rsvp. How does it work?
What is the Difference between MVC And MVP design pattrens
What is the advantage of packaging over xcopy in .net?
What are the only two values that are falsy?