Post New SPC Systems Automation Testing AllOther Interview Questions
Why should we use marketing geographic techniques while selling?
Is mysql relational database?
what types of bugs will we find out in banking projects
What is alt text word?
Which level of the Transformer oil got dielectric strengh? And why?
Is weblogic a web server?
What is the significance of billing relevance field?
What is a role and role hierarchy? : salesforce admin
Difference between gl posted date and gl date in gl.
I m Abdullah Ansari compleated MCA from Jamia Hamdard,i have appeared the test of IBM on 2 august at oxford college of engineering Bangalore.waiting for hr round.. This is the first round for IBM.02/08/08 Paper consists of 4 sections 15 questions from matrices(time very less but no negative marking). 25 questions from series completion section (this section is very easy but negative marking) 15 questions from aptitude(little bit tough time limit 15 minute negative marking) 4th section is from computer science (c,c++,operating system,digital electronics ,basic question..) result came at 3 o'clock.i was selected... In interview they asked questions like 1 they asked about final yr project.. 2 what are dynamic and static memory location? 3 linked list and array difference between them. 4 what is function ? what is difference betwen function and inline function? 5 about structure 6 about binary tree, traversal, call by value. 7 storage class and many more basic questions..
what is multitask win95
Provide some Vlookup Examples?
What are the differences between ae and sqr?
What are the components of stl?
which process/directory is responsible for the kernel is decompressed during boot up?