I want to take the back up of my script layout into my hard disk to be loaded later. What should I do?
How does deep learning contrast with other machine learning algorithms?
Is pypy faster than python?
What are the special azure regions?
While processing the salary for the m/o May 2012,the following error is being shown: 1.The salaries have been revised w.e.f 01.04.2012 in the m/o May 2012.Hence the May salary will include the arrear of April 2012. 2.Though the processing is successful, the periods reflected as 917 is wrong .Ideally it should be 246(123*2). 3.T-Code is PC00_M40_CALC Please examine the problem asap and revert https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=5c73645d0a&view=att&th=13787f525b8779c7&attid=0.1&disp=emb&realattid=9a07681551f0b854_0.1&zw&atsh=1
What is ‘Training set’ and ‘Test set’?
Mention what are the main components of cassandra data model?
How do I find a word in microsoft word?
Explain the difference between nil and false in ruby?
What is an action class in java?
Is laravel safe from sql injection?
What are different types of s3?
Hi Can any one tell me what are the API's used in requisition import.
Which one is faster between nand-sr ff and nor-sr ff?
How bulk collect improves performance?