Hi If i had source like unique & duplicate records like 1,1,2,3,3,4 then i want load unique records in one target like 2,4 and i want load duplicate records like 1,1,3,3 then can any body please send me what is th scnario. my mail i shek.inform@gmail.com
6 17951In seqence generator transformation maximum limit is reached,after reaching maximum limit how will u insert the data
2 11375Post New Schneider Informatica Interview Questions
What is a field status group? : fi- general ledger accounting
How many css selectors are there?
What is the syntax for how to call one script from another?
Is hadoop mandatory for spark?
How to use reporter.report event in qtp ?
What is coalesce sql?
What is a Public Group?
How to sendKeys in QTP? Diff b/w sendkeys and device replay? Diff b/w function and Sub? Diff b/w Array and List Different Types of running Keys other than Fast, slow,Normal mode Regular expression for http://newtours.demoaut.com Difference between \w and \W How to generate script button Recording Types Different Types of Actions? Using DP performance degrades, If Yes why? How to close all the opened browsers? Diff b/w SystemUtil.Run and invoke application? If qtp not recognized the combo box How to select values from drop down?
Explain the crm one order concept, and logical structure of a business transaction?
What is default exception handling in java?
How do I fix an error in excel?
What is a database in access?
Hi Experts, recently i have been facing the questions from Intercompany sales configuration, internet sales orders,Shipment cost configuration, EDI orders......i hv been facing about configuration setting dey r asking frequently......so my humble request u guys pls post d required setting from a-z stepbystep...i know littlebit bt not verysure about the output so am expecting from urs.........dont forget to tell stepby step please........am verythankful if u can guys help me out dis..
What would be the result of the command paste -s dog cat?
Is set ordered?