how can we establish a link between two maps using a cobol application program....lets say how can u use 'back' in a map come back on previous .
5 14834Post New Attra Infotech Interview Questions
Which is better jdbc or hibernate?
Is it possible to change or an organizational attribute within the organization model functionality?
What is a cost center group?
What do you understand by replication in sql server? Mention the different types of replication in sql server.
Is it posible to instal one more SMDB from the existing SMDB and is it practical.
Can have i call constructor in interface?
Which is the landing craft used by armstrong on the moon?
What is Web service in Salesforce?
Explain call flow for roaming mobile to roaming mobile?(Both users are belongs to same state but staying on roaming in different states)
We are planning to implement employee interaction centre (eic). We can do it either in crm or erp. What is your advice?
Write about the use of the virtual destructor?
List the major sources of knowledge.
How can we connect to PeopleSoft database in 2-tier mode? What is the purpose of application designer?
what do you mean by volatile variable?
What is called animals that swim about in sea?