Please help me where I can get SAS Advanced certification questions free downloads/documents to prepare for exam. certification exam questions for SAS/SQL and SAS/Macros and advance programming techniques etc. Thanks in advance! need them asap!!
2914hi ,i am going to give advance sas exm but i dnt have dumps so if any one have recently advance paper and answer please mail me- tHank you
2202Post New SAS Certifications AllOther Interview Questions
What is a cognitive schema?
What are species?
how to calculate cut length of re-bar in a circle . because we not place same length of re-bar in whole circle maximum in center and minimum at corner so how to calculate middle bars???
How do I find the linux version?
What is isset in php form?
what is Property......End Property loop? how to write sript for it in QTP
What is the use of a double-click event in angularjs?
Difference between extract structure and datasource
What is the purpose of a transient variable?
What are default parameters? How are they evaluated in c++ function?
There were a lot of questions asked, so I will list the topic (and add a what is "topic" and know pros/cons). Extreme programming, what is a transaction, various SDLC design approaches, what is a namespace, define a good test case, what is a stored proc, webservice? design patterns? linker? compiler? access modifiers? stack vs. queue? arrays vs. linked lists? sorting algorithms? recursion? OOP principles?
Explain how component routing works in angular. How to define routes and sub-routes in angular 5?
How many type of siebel data model extensions are there?
treasury bills market in india?
What is the significance of proxy user?