there are 67 seats in train . there are only 5 seats in a row and in last row there are only 2 seats. One person can reseve only 5 seat at a time. If person reserving seat , the care is atken that he may get all in row. if seats are not available in row then the arrangement is so that person group get nearby seats. the following class is given public class seat { char name; int seat; boolean isSeatempty } 1.Draw require class digram and object diagram. 2.Write function seatallot(int noofperson) to allocate seat with seat nuber printed for the each name.
3519Write a program for the problem: the array of inetegers indicating the marks of the students is given, U have to calculate the percentile of the students aaccording to this rule: the percentile of a student is the %of no of student having marks less then him. For eg: suppose Student Marks A 12 B 60 C 80 D 71 E 30 F 45 percentile of C = 5/5 *100 = 100 (out of 5 students 5 are having marks less then him) percentile of B = 3/5*100 = 60% (out of 5, 3 have markses less then him) percentile of A = 0/5*100 = 0%.
1761Input :14000 Output : hundred and fourteen thousand.(wrong) Desired output : fourteen hundred thousand.
2 5440there are 67 seats in train . there are only 5 seats in a row and in last row there are only 2 seats. One person can reseve only 5 seat at a time. If person reserving seat , the care is atken that he may get all in row. if seats are not available in row then the arrangement is so that person group get nearby seats. the following class is given public class seat { char name; int seat; boolean isSeatempty } 1.Draw require class digram and object diagram. 2.Write function seatallot(int noofperson) to allocate seat with seat nuber printed for the each name.
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