What is a database api?
Why do we need to write test classes? How to identify if a class is a test class? : salesforce crm
What do you understand by private, protected and public?
What is group bom?
What are section, categories and content items?
Show Details FROM:Muhammed Ikram TO:qa@allinterview.com Message flagged Saturday, June 4, 2011 10:07 PMMessage bodyHello all, i want to ask a question to all of you that what is VMM (voltage monitoring module )? how it work,s? i heard somewhere that it compare 1 phase voltage to other phase voltage. but there is also some setting on it. how to set it,s setting. please tell me briefly. Thank,s and Regard,s. Muhammed Ikram.
What does ctrl f9 do?
How many buckets can be created in s3?
What is process analysis?
how many objects are required for distribution queuing?
What is mutex c#?
What are the best linux system programming interview questions you've ever asked or been asked?
What is addition reaction?
Name a few methods that are used to implement functionally oriented programming in python?
y we do not differ b/w atomic mass and atomic wieght? from engrtauseef2008@gmail.com