What is data and its types?
1.why should we connect the measuring instruments in l.v side in short circuit test of a transformer? 2.why the power factor is less in open circuit test of a transformer?
What happens after Post Goods Issue?
What is the difference between sql server and windows server?
what is meant by the phrase 'static load' in case of shorting in a generator excitation system?
Explain the approximate cost of the monitoring cables time domain reflectometry?
How to Switch between different data sources?
How do I create a link?
Explain unsecured loans.
I am a mechanical student.And have cleared the written for NTPC. Please suggest what and how to prepare for the interview.i have got only 2-3 weeks in hand.
Is power bi available on-premises?
What are the advantages of distributed system?
Whether superheated steam can be treated like ideal gas ?
Advertisers on google search accrue cost in adwords when ?
Explain what the junction object is and what is the use?