A box consists of 12 poles and 7 pices of nets totally weighing 1.75pounds. If each pole weighs .07 pound and each piece of net weighs .12 pounds. What is the weight of empty box
14 16642Post New Photon General Aptitude Interview Questions
What is the use of string functiong sub(regex,replacement)?
what firewall setting is required to manage client computers such as vista clients and windows 2008 member servers? : Windows server 2008
How can I check if my hard drive is failing?
How will you change the instance type for instances which are running in your application tier and are using Auto Scaling? Where will you change it from the following areas?
What is difference between coalesce and repartition?
How can we switch the roles in an active directory?
What are some of the key best practices for security in amazon ec2?
What is bootstrapping?
Does windows update need wifi?
What are the extension methods in c#?
What's MUDRA bank yojana
What is java’s garbage collected heap?
Will Macrophage Survive without changing media ?
What is file menu in ms word?
How do I add another page to a word template?