Is OHNS steel is equivalent to O1 tool steel? Suppliers give OHNS material for AISI O1 STEEL telling that both are equivalent materials. Is this correct?
2657Post New PH.D Interview Mechanical Engineering Interview Questions
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How to create a link between modified form and modified print program?
How to use the InterBase Express (IBX) SQL monitor?
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What the difference between pilot and beta testing is?
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How to move the data from Development server to Production server?
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What is meant by errors and debugging?
How to find whether an element is displayed on the web page?
What are the different towers used in 132kv transmission line? what are the differences between the P,R,S towers used in 132KV and detailed explanation
What is the difference between client-side and server-side validations in webpages?
Are there any limits on ads for alcoholic beverages can run and how they can exhibit?