Explain debt equity ratio. What are its components? What does it indicate?
why we use 96 well plate in ELISA plate reader?
What do we mean by Paraquet?
Which property of sound is affected by change in air temperature?
What are the different versions of sas that you have used until now? : sas-grid-administration
In which cases, wordpress is not suitable for a website?
How to calculate closing stock? I have opening stock of 72 lacs (average costing without tax) and purchase of 49 lacs (with tax) and sales of 101 lacs (without tax). What is my closing stock then???? Should i add tax in sales? Where all should tax be included and where all should tax NOT be included? Right now i calculated => 72(no tax)+49(with tax)-101(no tax) = 20 lacs. IS this correct?
How can you ensure that you are not overfitting with a particular model?
What Are The Different Types Of Instances Used In Amazon Ec2?
What is jms template?
What is cluster installation?
What are different movement types?
What are windows applications?
What is pn sequence in cdma?
How to use appendNode() in linkedlist()?