What is difference between encapsulation and abstraction?
What is the use of @requestbody annotation in spring?
What is the purpose of ngmodule??
How many i/o ports are present in the 8086?
How do you calculate 20% in excel?
If we wish to create bms executable, what are the basic steps that the user has to go through?
What is after quad?
Difference between Async Plug-in Vs Custom Workflow?
What is the benefit of inner classes in java?
Array is an lvalue or not?
What operator is used to access a struct through a pointer a) >> b) -> c) *
How does hlookup work in excel 2016?
What are accounting entities?
if login in the suse linux the yast application only appearing on the scren. If we closing the screen it comes to log out. What is the procedure to customize the desktop?
Hi, I saw one mapping implemented by my seniors . In Expression transformation they implemented following logic. That is iif(is_date(in_UC_DATINV,'YYYYMMDD'),to_date(in_UC_DATINV,'Y YYYMMDD'),'Inventory Date is either invalid or null') Inventory_Date is validated only for is_date() But not validated for notisnull() . But error says “ either invalid or null “ why? Whether is_date() also check for not isnull() ? or in this logic something is different ? Please answer me . Advance thanks